Barrowcliff School

'Learning Together Growing Together'

Welcome to the Barrowcliff School website. We are proud to be an Ofsted GOOD school.

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


At Barrowcliff School we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework which is divided into 7 areas:


Communication & Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social & Emotional Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts & Design

Listening, Attention & Understanding



Gross Motor Skills


Fine Motor Skills




Managing Self


Building Relationships 




Word Reading






Numerical Patterns



Past & Present


People, Culture & Communities


The Natural World


Creating with Materials


Being Imaginative & Expressive


We want all our children to have a love for learning and a healthy curiosity about the world around them, so we foster the Characteristics of Effective Learning which are:


Playing & exploring engagement

Active learning - motivation

Creating & thinking critically - thinking

  • Finding out & exploring
  • Playing with what they know
  • Being willing to have a go
  • Being involved & concentrating
  • Keeping trying
  • Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
  • Having their own ideas
  • Making links
  • Choosing ways to do things


Every child is unique and develops and learns in different ways. We want all our children to be strong, independent, resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. They need to develop positive relationships with other children and adults in order to learn from each other through challenging, playful opportunities, across all areas of learning and development.

In order to make all this possible the staff:

  • Understand and observe each childs development and learning, assess progress and plan for next steps
  • Identify any need for additional support
  • Value and respect all children and families equally
  • Foster a sense of belonging through warm relationships
  • Respond sensitively to the childs needs, feelings and interests
  • Support childrens own efforts and independence
  • Set clear and consistent boundaries
  • Provide stimulating resources relevant to all the childrens cultures and communities
  • Create rich learning opportunities through play and playful teaching
  • Provide support for children to take risks and explore


The aim is for all children to achieve the Early Learning Goals (see below), as set out in the EYFS framework, in order to reach a Good Level of Development at the end of their time in their Reception class.


For a printable version of the Early Learning Goals, click on the PDF below.

Here is a really useful guide for parents and carers that gives information about the statutory framework together with practical ideas for supporting children from birth to age five.


What to expect when


Click below to view the whole document.
