Hello Everyone,
There are lots of fun things for you to do at home this week. On the Literacy page there are the instructions to access some free Read Write Inc e-books for you to read at home. We have been reading some of our favourite stories for you to listen to, you can find them on Class Dojo. Remember to let us know how you are getting on with your home learning by sending us a message on Class Dojo. We are loving seeing the videos and photos you have uploaded onto Class Dojo showing all your hard work.
Take care and keep safe,
Mrs Bairstow, Mrs Jaconelli & Mrs Dixon
In the story of Joseph lots of people talk about their dreams. There were dreams about the sun and stars corn and cows. Use the sheet below or a piece of plain paper to draw a happy dream. When you have finished tell someone at your house all about your dream using lots of describing words to make it sound amazing. For example, instead of saying, 'I dreamt about a unicorn' you could say 'I dreamt about a beautiful, white sparkly unicorn with rainbow colours in its tail and mane'.
We would love to see your dream pictures and hear your descriptions (your adults can write down what you say and send it in a message on Class Dojo or take a video of you talking about your dream).