We view all complaints in a positive way, as it helps us improve our practices.
I am a parent or carer of a child in school, how do I let the school know that I have a concern or complaint?
The first action you need to take is to contact your child’s class teacher or subject teacher and let the school know as soon as possible that you have a concern or a complaint and give the school the opportunity to investigate the matter properly. Most concerns or complaints can be sorted out this way. Remember, do not leave it too long to report your concern because it can be difficult to investigate something that happened some time ago. It is also helpful if you can provide a short written statement of your concern or complaint. This will help to avoid any misunderstanding and provides a written record of your concern or complaint. This is known as the “informal” stage and the school will do everything possible to address your concerns at this stage.
I am not a parent/carer but would like to complain, how do I let the school know?
Please make an appointment to see the headteacher. Most complaints can be resolved informally in this manner. Remember, do not leave it too long to report your concern because it can be difficult to investigate something that happened some time ago. It is also helpful if you can provide a short written statement of your concern or complaint. This will help to avoid any misunderstanding and provides a written record of your concern or complaint. This is known as the “informal” stage and the school will do everything possible to address your concerns at this stage.
I have a complaint about the special educational needs provision, what should I do?
If you have a complaint regarding special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and the support the school provides, please contact our SENCO Mrs Marshall via the school office.
I would like to complain about a governor or governors, what should I do?
Write to the Clerk of the Governing Body via the school. Please remember to include what outcome you would need to resolve the issue.
If your complaint is about the full governing body please write to the Clerk as above. The Clerk will liaise with the Local Authority to resolve the issue. This process is under review and will be updated when the DfE have updated their procedures.
If I am still not satisfied, is there anything else that I can do?
Once the Panel has made its decision then that is the final step in the school’s Complaints Procedure. If you feel that the governing body has acted or intends to act unreasonably or that it has failed to discharge its duties then you can write to the Department for Education, 2nd Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Manchester M1 2WD.