Hi there, it’s Mrs Jordan and Miss Harrison here.
We are the MFL subject leaders here at Barrowcliff. As MFL lead, our role is to support teachers, promote a love of language learning and to monitor the progress of the children. We are often heard encouraging children to use their French skills outside of lessons, such as in the corridors, assemblies, dinner hall and playground. We believe early language learning is important as it gives children a good understanding of the structure of other languages and it gives children the opportunity to develop their cultural understanding. It also supports the children’s transition into secondary school which also teach French alongside other languages.
We enjoy having French themed days to give the children the opportunity to experience French cuisine and culture.
To support the progress children make across Key Stage 2, we have created a progression map focused on Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing and understanding of Grammar. It also shows the vocabulary learnt in each class and how it builds over the years.
In order to gain an understanding of how French is taught across the school, we ensure that the subject is monitored closely, gaining evidence from books and pupil voice. This informs the strengths and areas for development in the subject, which is shared with staff. During the monitoring we also get feedback from staff on the areas they feel are strengths/ areas for development and we will support them to the best of our ability.