We finally finished painting the Egyptian amulets we made from clay at the end of the Autumn term!
We made our own stringed instruments in Design and Technology, linked to our science topic about Sound. We even managed to make the different strings of our instruments make different pitched notes!
We have been investigating how sound travels through different media; solids, liquids and gases. We made ‘cup phones’ connected with string and coat hanger ‘earrings’. We also listened to different sounds through water balloons and our wooden desks.
We have been busy making Easter Rock Cakes! We are using the baking as a stimulus for our instruction writing over the next few days.
Amelia in Class 8 has read 20 books and received her 20 reading books sticker. Well done Amelia!
Bethany from Class 8 has read over 100 books since September and over lockdown, so has earned her 50 books badge AND has been able to choose her own book that school has bought for her to keep.
Well done Bethany!
In Science, we have been investigating how we could change the state of chocolate from a solid to a liquid. We made careful observations over time with different temperatures of water.
We made our own Egyptian papyrus paper and wrote our names in hieroglyphics!
The children experimented with different components to make electrical circuits. We looked at the effect of using more than 1 lightbulb and more than one battery.