Applications for places at Barrowcliff School in all year groups are managed by our Local Authority, North Yorkshire County Council. You will find all the information you need, including an online application form to apply for a place, on their website at Alternatively please contact the school office and we will be happy to help you.
Children are admitted to Reception at the start of the Autumn Term of the school year during which they will be five years old. In the Summer Term before children start Reception we host welcome meetings for all new parents and transition sessions for children.
Barrowcliff School provides Nursery provision of up to 30 hours a week between 8.50am and 3.00pm, and wrap-around care is available in Busy Bees, our Before and After School Club. We offer a flexible option of sessions for children age 2 and above. Please contact the school office on 01723 351767 to enquire about a place for your child, or email
The maximum number of admissions agreed with the Local Authority for Barrowcliff School is 60 per year group. If your child cannot be allocated a place at Barrowcliff School you will be entitled to an appeal in line with current legislation. Appeal arrangements are available on the NYCC website or from the admissions team on request:
Admissions Team
Jesmond House
31-33 Victoria Avenue
Tel: 01609 533679