Barrowcliff School

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'Learning Together Growing Together'

Welcome to the Barrowcliff School website. We are proud to be an Ofsted GOOD school.

East Barnby Day 4

Our last full day at East Barnby was another cold, but dry one.  


Following another big breakfast, we headed out on the mini buses to Maybeck for an adventure walk through the woods.  We played Pooh-sticks and walked up to the waterfall at Falling Foss.  We built shelters, we made fires using a flint and steel and had lunch in a cave.  Highlight of the day was the teamwork involved in den building.  They looked so good, one group tried to sell theirs for £7,000!


Back at the centre, we enjoyed pizza for tea and set about the huge task of packing our cases, ready for the return to school tomorrow.  Orienteering is on the agenda tomorrow morning and following lunch, we'll set off for home.  Get those washing machines ready!!!
