As you will be aware, school will be closing on Friday for all pupils other than a small minority. Please be patient and allow us time to gather further advice and information. We are all working very hard to ensure this process runs as smoothly as possible but, as I am sure you can imagine, there are many questions and details that still need to be addressed. We WILL release information about the closure, including gathering information about the key groups, as the day progresses.
Could I ask, therefore, that you please avoid contacting us today unless absolutely urgent as this will only delay what is going to be a very busy process? Could I also ask that you remain calm and polite in these difficult times? We are all working very hard to ensure the very best for our children and families, and our staff deserve to be treated with respect in these stressful situations. I would like to thank the vast majority of you that have been very understanding and very supportive of the work we have done so far in maintaining some normality for your children.